In which Swamp Thing asks what seems like a perfectly sensible question…

…except you’d think they’d be easy to fight, since they’re all soft and squishy and probably really easy to damage. Unless Swampy’s referring to the whole flying thing, since I could see where that would be a problem.
Anyway, from the same issue is this big red fella. I love this monster:

Look at the detail on his spear, and on the monster’s skin, and inside the monster’s mouth…I know Wrightson is the standard by which ST artists are judged, but man, Bissette and Totleben really created some awesomely weird-ass work on this series.
Also, I kind of miss the days of Swamp Thing comics where the title character would get carted around in wooden crates, as shown above, to avoid startling the populace. Swamp Thing doesn’t catch rides inside cars as a regular passenger too often anymore, either:

…but the cat can still pilot a mean jeep.