Very late Sunday update.

§ March 22nd, 2009 § Filed under Uncategorized Comments Off on Very late Sunday update.

As you folks who follow my Twitter thingie (or at least read it in the sidebar of my site) may already know, I’ve been having some back problems again, which makes it a bit difficult to sit at the computer and generate some content for the site, here. So, sorry I let it slide for most of the day, but I’m riding that Advil wave at the moment, so let’s see if I can’t give you folks a little somethin’-somethin’ for today.

First, I direct you to the very fine site of a certain Mr. Todd Klein, a comics letterer of some note, who recently concluded his 5 part look at the logos of Green Arrow. In particular, I direct you to the fifth installment, in which he examines the development of a logo by one of my longtime customers, Glenn Parsons. Glenn’s done quite a few swell logos for DC over the years, and this behind-the-scenes business regarding one of his most high-profile DC jobs is quite the treat.

Secondly, I was digging through some old image files I had backed up on a disk somewhere and turned this up:

This was from the cover of an issue of Starlog we had received at the shop several years ago, and that was pretty much how I found out that there was going to be a Battlestar Galactica revival on the Sci Fi Channel. My reaction to that at the time was, basically, “‘Sexy Cylon?’ What the hell?”

I had no intention of watching the show, but one night I was just flipping through the channels and happened on to the first installment of the BSG mini-series, and I figured “what the hey?” and decided to watch for a few minutes.

Well, it hooked me in good, and it easily became one of my two favorite shows of the last few years (the other being The Shield). I often said, during the show’s run, “I can’t believe a show called Battlestar Galactica is actually this good!” I’m glad I gave it a chance when my initial reaction was so dismissive.

It’s over now (save for some prequel material on its way), and while other folks will certainly have detailed postmortems for the series, I’ll just say “thanks for the ride!” and leave it at that.

Thirdly, I have no idea why someone would do this, but I’m just glad they did. (via pal Andy)

Thanks for your patience, internet pals. Not sure what kind of post I’ll have tomorrow, but we’ll see what the medication brings us.

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