And thus begins my fifth and quite possibly final decade…
…and it’s beginning with WATCHMEN CUPCAKES:

…made for me by Kid Chris, Jessica and Luke. Totally awesome. Dr. Manhattan is chocolaty!
And if that wasn’t enough, I received a second helping of mighty cupcakes (plus flowers!) from no less a personage than former employee Nathan’s kid sister Dana, along with partner-in-crime New Employee Tim. They were cupcake-cones…cupcakes made in ice cream cones, frosted to look like actual ice cream. Pretty sweet. Alas, I didn’t take a picture of the conecake bonanza, and trying the flatbed scanner on one would only end in tragedy, so you’ll just have to take my word that they were awesome. Awesomely delicious.
I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the Mike Sterling Celebrity Roast that happened on a handful of sites over the last 24 hours, masterminded, I’m suspecting, by pal Dorian, so let me direct you to these exciting and near libelous posts:
Kevin Church (I only wish my life was this exciting)
Andrew Weiss (who’s also my birthday twin…happy birthday, pal!)
Plus, longtime reader Isaac whipped out this image of me in my best summer clothes…I’m sure he’ll be glad to know my girlfriend laughed and laughed when I showed that to her. I’m hoping she was laughing with me.
Thanks to everyone for your birthday wishes, and big thanks to my friends for going out of their way to make my 40th birthday…well, survivable. It really meant a lot to me.
By the way, today is my younger sister Jeanne’s birthday, so please wish her well.
Thanks again, and I’ll see you all tomorrow.