Everything’s coming up Swamp Thing.
Here are a handful of Links of Note that I’ve other come across or have been sent to me by you, the kind-hearted and generous readers:
- Salon looks at Alan Moore’s groundbreaking work on Saga of the Swamp Thing, reviewing the recent hardcover reissue.
- An article along the same lines (“liked Watchmen? Read Swamp Thing“), appears at Comic Examiner.
- And here’s one more appreciation of Moore’s early Swamp Thing work.
- Tim O’Neil just watched the first Swamp Thing movie for the first time in quite a while, and has a comment or three on DC’s exploitation, or lack thereof, of the character’s media presence.
- Here’s a look back at the generally-ignored Brian K. Vaughan “Tefe-era” run on Swamp Thing. Makes me want to pull these issues out and reread ’em.
- From this Friday the 13th-themed interview with Rafael Albuquerque:
“5. Jason vs WHO? And why?
“Jason Vs. Swamp Thing! Imagine if Swamp Thing lived in Crystal Lake! Would be epic!”
- NOT SWAMP THING: Here’s a general round-up of Watchmen links, in anticipation of the film. I particularly like this article about Watchmen‘s single issue sales through the distributor Capital City.