I think I’m just gonna lay low today…
…and enjoy the continuing mayhem from this weekend from afar. However, I did come across these classified ads in Comics Journal #64 (July 1981) that I wanted to share.
I wonder if this person actually did find that job:
“WANTED: A FULL-TIME JOB in a Cleveland, Ohio area comic book store. Have had previous bookstore experience. Am willing to move to Cleveland from Mansfield to get this job! This is not a dream, not a hoax, not an imaginary want ad!”
This next one has me thinking:
“ARTISTS-WRITERS WANTED!! for teenage super-hero work (heroes of my own and What-If? variations on others). If you like it when the villain vs. hero outcome isn’t predictable, this is for you!”
“Not predictable” – oh, so the villains win. Or maybe both the villain and the hero lose to a greater menace. Or they’re fighting in the street and get hit by a UPS truck, killing them both. Or they just sorta mutually decide that it’s a draw and go their separate ways. The outcome could be any of these things or something else entirely! UNPREDICTABLE!
This is a subscription ad for a comic collecting magazine:
“MONEY! OLD COMIC BOOKS are an investment as good as gold! Let us show you how and what to buy.”
“Invest heavily in Howard the Duck. Surely nothing will affect future sales on this hot comic!”
“NOW AVAILABLE: COMPLETE CHECKLIST of comics used in ‘Seduction of the Innocent.’ Also available, complete checklist of comics used in ‘Parade of Pleasure.’ Each list includes illustrations. Each list $1.00 which includes postage and printing costs.”
Saves you the trouble of pulling them out of the Overstreet guide, I guess (if it even listed them all at the time…I don’t know). But there were (and still are) people looking for these, so I guess the seller was hoping people would buy his lists and use ’em as checklists as they wander around the convention floor looking for that one comic where Dr. Wertham thought he saw a vagina in the shadowed muscles of some character’s arm or shoulder.
Er, anyway.
So I’m crawling back into my bunker. Let me know when the shooting stops, please.