For those of you demanding more Employee Aaron content, here’s something from the last San Diego Comic Con.

§ February 6th, 2009 § Filed under Uncategorized Comments Off on For those of you demanding more Employee Aaron content, here’s something from the last San Diego Comic Con.

SCENE: Employee Aaron is walking through a hall at the San Diego Comic Con, where he runs into Edgar Wright of Hot Fuzz and Spaced fame.

Employee Aaron: “Hi, Mr. Wright!”

Edgar Wright: “Hello.”

Employee Aaron: “I really enjoyed yo–“

ENTER: Three guys carrying shirts printed with marijuana leaf images. They surround Mr. Wright.

Three Guys: “Heeeeeey, man, the real convention is out in the parking lot! Chronic Con ’08! WOOOOO!”

Edgar Wright: “Er….”

Employee Aaron: “Uh, nice to meet you, Mr. Wright. Goodbye!”

EXIT: Employee Aaron, leaving Mr. Wright to the tender mercies of the Chronic Con promoters. WOOOOO!

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