"Panic a party."
Advertisements what amused me, from Famous Funnies #126 (January 1945):

You may think a “Human Jeep” sounds terrifying. You, my friend, have no idea. (WARNING: Sound at link. Also, pure evil.)
Now, this next ad…

…I’m only singling out because I wanted to get a closer look here at the acid trip that cat is checking out:

Ah, the Dr. Albert Hofmann-brand telescopes are favorites of boys and girls everywhere!
“NOTE: May not be actual ‘craze.’ ‘Sensation’ may vary from household to household.”

“Panic a party!” “A riot of fun!” “An upheaval of mirth!” “A catastrophic cacophony of confusion!” “An orgasmic outbreak of ado!”

I mean, seriously, look at how much fun this guy’s having:

“I, Chasley L. Wilcoxian of St. Albans, VT, find this board game to be sufficiently distracting. It has been useful in panicking many a party in my average American household.”