Also, the Cube’s enjoyment of the Twinkie appears purely tactile.

§ August 16th, 2008 § Filed under Uncategorized § 1 Comment

Employee Aaron: “Hey, check out this Hostess ad!”

Me: “What about it?”

Employee Aaron: “Captain America uses Twinkies to distract the Cosmic Cube.”

Me: “No kiddin’.”

Employee Aaron: “No, really, check it out! See, the Cosmic Cube is even thinking about the Twinkie’s cream filling.”

Me: “Now, given the Cosmic Cube is all-powerful, it could just create its own Twinkies stash, right? It doesn’t need Cap as a Twinkie source.”

Employee Aaron: “Uh…”

Me: “That’s probably not the part of the strip I should stop suspending my disbelief over, is it?”

Yes, I know Seanbaby got to it already.

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