How do you follow up The Greatest Comic Book News of All Time?
Like this:
“Join Herbie as he takes on goofy cavemen, joins George Washington’s army, gets the better of pop-culture figures like Gregory Peck and the Queen of England, and dons the unassuming costume of the Fat Fury for the very first time!”
Surely you don’t need more incentive to buy Herbie Archives Volume 2 than that? Reprints issues 6 through 14, due at the end of the year. It’s in this month’s Previews, so start nagging your retailer now.
- As long as I’m kissing Dark Horse Comics’ butt, let me mention that I greatly enjoyed the Wondermark webcomic collection Beards of Our Forefathers, and can’t wait for the Achewood collection The Great Outdoor Fight. Dark Horse sure is putting out some handsome-looking books for these strips.
Can we look forward to a nice hardcover collection of this strip? Can a boy dare dream?
- In response to the folks who left comments on this post about our old mini-comics publication Wood-Eye, specifically asking for a web and/or PDF release…well, I’m all for it, I suppose, but I’d want to get permission from the other contributors first. I can only get a hold of about half of them now, which could cause a problem. And a couple of our contributors have since passed on…well, one has, for sure, and I’m pretty sure the other has as well (it’s been years since I’ve seen him, and he was well into his 80s even at the time).
I suppose with the people I can contact, and assuming they’re okay with it, I can put together a “Best of Wood-Eye” thing for online distribution. Let me look into it. No promises.
- So both Roger Ebert (who liked the film) and this gentleman (who didn’t – URL maybe NSFW) seemed to miss the fact that the Joker tells conflicting stories about his past, specifically about how he acquired his scars, throughout The Dark Knight. Ebert at least uses the word “claims” when he first brings up the Joker’s alleged childhood trauma, but takes said claim at face value when comparing Batman’s and Joker’s backgrounds later in the review.
You don’t have to say anything…I know this is overly nitpicky, and doesn’t have much to do with the whole of either man’s opinions. It just has me wondering if that particular “multiple-choice origins” shtick with the Joker really didn’t translate that well for the general audience. I mean, we all know it…if you’re reading a comic book weblog, then you likely have a nerdly background in funnybooks, and have read (or at least are aware of) The Killing Joke, which was the source for this particular characteristic of the Joker. When we encounter it in the movie, it’s familiar to us…we get it. Maybe this isn’t so for the uninitiated, though I thought the filmmakers did a good job establishing that, just maybe, the Joker isn’t the most reliable source for information about himself.
Or maybe Heath Ledger’s performance where he gives his first explanation is so edgy and powerful that it sticks in the memory much easier than the other presented stories. Well, sure, let’s go with that.