If you know of more, add ’em in the comments.
Sorry for the short post…been otherwise occupied. But yesterday’s post (and great responses) got me to thinking of the possible fates of the Peanuts characters, so I thought I’d try to dig up a few links.
The first two are from yesterday’s comments section:
Edward reminded me of “Weapon Brown” by Jason Yungbluth, which was the strip that first attracted me to his Deep Fried comic. More a parody than a “fate of the characters,” but I thought I’d mention it here anyhow, since “Weapon Brown” is a swell comic.
Scott points to bit of writing by Peter Gillis on the fates of the Peanuts characters. I’m particularly touched by Snoopy’s story.
Kaos2000 takes the slightly more crass route. Also postulates a C. Brown/L. Van Pelt marriage.
Eric Schwartz wrote a song called “Charliesomething” that used to pop up on the Dr. Demento show. Here are the lyrics, and apparently Rhapsody gives you a limited amount of free plays if you’re not a member, so here’s their “Charliesomething” page. I should note that when I tried to listen, the playback failed about 2/3rds of the way through.
Here’s a newspaper review of “Dog Sees God: Confessions of a Teenage Blockhead” that looks at the Peanuts gang’s high school years. I hadn’t heard of this before, but some extra Googling turns up news ‘n’ reviews a’plenty, and the play’s script is available on Amazon. Wow, just what little I’ve read about it makes me want to see it.
And of course, as expected, Charlie Brown grew up to be an ineffectual super-villain. (You thank Tony Isabella right now for making this happen in his Hawkman run. The Kite-Eating Tree even gets Chuck!)
And this has nothing to do with the fates of the Peanuts characters…I just like seeing Snoopy going “BLEAH!” at everyone: