So I was rooting through some boxes in one of the closets yesterday afternoon, and came across a few items that I thought might be of interest to some of you out there in internet-land.
I found not only the copy of Legends that I received as free gift for that customer survey I filled out (as mentioned here and here), but I found a letter from DC Comics mailed to me nearly two months prior to the comic’s arrival. (Yes, both the comic and the letter were still in their respective postmarked envelopes, which is how I know the dates.)
Here is the letter, mailed July 7th, 1986:

I don’t remember that the survey specifically said we’d receive a copy of Crisis II (hey, it was 22 years ago), but I suppose it must have, if DC felt the need to let us know that the title of the freebie had changed.
You might be able to just barely make out a shadow near the DC logo at the top of the letter. If you were to hold it up to the light, the image of Aquaman printed on the back would come through, making him look as if he’s swimming over the logo. Here’s a shot of the back of the page:

In case you were wondering, my free issue of Legends was mailed on August 25th, 1986. Only cost $0.56 to ship from New York to California, first class. Ah, those were the days.
Other items I found in Mike’s closet…OF DOOM were a couple of comic book related stickers, like this Marshal Law promo:

The lettering and image are actually silver on the sticker…they come out sorta bluish here.
I also found this dramatic Batman: Year One sticker:

Comic book companies don’t use promo stickers enough anymore, in my opinion.
Also in that particular box was my stash of punk rock stickers. And I thought I’d had more examples of local band stickers by the Hernandez Brothers, but all I could find was this one by Jaime:

I imagine that address is no good anymore, so I wouldn’t write ’em there. But here’s the band’s Myspace page (NOTE: autoplaying music).
Not comics, but I found a couple of my Activision patches (along with accompanying letters of congratulations). I’m still a proud member of the Save the Chicken Foundation, thank you. If you’re too young to know what that means, here’s your explanation.
Activision patches. Punk rock stickers. Letters from DC Comics. Don’t I throw anything away?