Well, here we go again.

§ May 3rd, 2008 § Filed under free comic book day Comments Off on Well, here we go again.

Your local funnybook store is hopefully giving away free comic books today, so drop on by and grab a few. With any luck your store will be one that’s making an event out of it and handing out tons of comics to everyone who walks into the shop, and not simply dumping a bunch in a disused short box by the front door with a little “FREE” sign on it (like someone told me about one of his local stores a couple of years back).

And, as noted here yesterday, you don’t even have to go to your shop in costume. But if you do, you know I want to hear about it.

Other related news stories of the day:

  • Teaching the wrong lesson: “Free comics, good investment; Both collectors and store owners benefiting from comic book giveaway”

    “Several publishing companies offer free titles, ranging from reprints of popular books to all-new issues only available on Free Comic Book Day.

    “A Spider-Man title from last year ended up playing an important part of the ongoing storyline, and is now worth about $20.

    “Another hot item was Dark Horse’s ‘Umbrella Academy,’ also in the $20 range now.”

  • I see that word’s been going around that there are comic books for everybody:

    “Tallahassee comic-book shops are giving away free comics Saturday. Superhero fans can pick up the free books as part of the annual Free Comic Book Day, a national event.”

  • This article (“No ka-boom! for comics retailers”) discusses the fact that blockbuster superhero movies don’t translate to comic sales….something I may have discussed once or twice in the past.

    “Over the next three days, a few hundred thousand Americans are expected to show up at theaters for the premiere weekend of Iron Man, based on the Marvel Comics character. If only the country’s 3,000 comics stores could entice even a small percentage of them into their shops.”

  • Aspen Comics to debut new series on FCBD, will lead to about a half dozen different #0s and #1s, plus many multiple covers; only about a 10% chance said series will ever reach an issue number in the double-digits.
  • Chris Sims warned me about this article: “POW! Stores giving away free comic books Saturday”

    “That’s right — FREE! BIFF! BOOM! POW! All you have to do is stroll into a participating store and ask for one.”

    Oh, man.

  • And now, the single greatest headline relating to Free Comic Book Day that you’re going to see:

    “This Weekend: Marijuana, Free Comic Book Day and Midget Kiss”

    Dude…that’d be the best Free Comic Book Day event at a comic shop ever.

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