Today I am 39 years old.
Here’s the official site for the International Jack Benny Fan Club.
The Museum of Broadcast Communications’ biography and filmography of Benny.
An overview, with stills, of “The Mouse That Jack Built” – an animated take-off on The Jack Benny Show.
A 1941 Time Magazine article about Benny’s tenth anniversary in radio.
Jack Benny’s theme song – warning: autoplays.
The Radio Hall of Fame page for Benny, including an embedded audio sample of Jack at work.
Did The Jack Benny Show ever jump the shark? Bite your tongue, sir!
An appreciation of Benny’s Sherlock Holmes parody, including the full radio show where it appeared.
A video clip of Benny’s duet with Gisele MacKenzie.
Benny and Johnny Carson receiving the key to the city of Anaheim.
So, whom do you like better? Jack Benny, or his longtime “rival” Fred Allen?
Jack Benny and Groucho Marx:
Jack Benny’s Hollywood – locations about town related to Benny (including his grave and the street where he lived).
In case his grave wasn’t clue enough, here’s a page where you can check if Mr. Benny is alive or dead. “Zombie” not an option.
Jack Benny Middle School and the Jack Benny Center for the Arts, both located in Benny’s hometown of Waukegan, IL.
It’s true: Jack Benny arranged for a rose to be sent to his wife Mary every day for the rest of her life after he passed on.
A radio commercial for Kodak featuring Benny and his old foil, Frank Nelson (the “yyyyyyesssss?” guy).
Stills and animated gifs from Benny’s western film Buck Benny Rides Again.
Another pic: Jack Benny with President Truman.
Turner Classic Movies’ article about Benny’s much-maligned (at least by Benny and his radio show cast) film, The Horn Blows at Midnight.
Archives of Benny’s radio and TV programs.
A forum discussion of Mr. Benny’s numerous 39th birthdays.