Comics’ Greatest Palindrome.

§ February 26th, 2008 § Filed under Uncategorized Comments Off on Comics’ Greatest Palindrome.

Congratulations to the granddaddy of comics webloggers, Neilalien, on the occasion of the eighth anniversary of his site!

Not only has he been an inspiration in his excellent news linkblogging, his occasional extended commentary, and the periodical bit of silliness, but he was the first comics blogger that I know of who sorta “adopted” a character as a focus of his site. You folks reading this know I like Swamp Thing, and you’re probably aware that pal Dorian has a thing for Wildcat, but it was Neilalien who blazed the trail with his Dr. Strange-centric weblogging. But it isn’t just a fansite…the Dr. Strange-related links and info are just a backbone upon which Neilalien hangs his industry observations. Not that the good Doctor is always the focus of every post, but rather just a thread that runs throughout his entire site, tying everything together with a thematic consistency that people like, say, me, with my more scattershot presentations, can only hope for.

Plus, on a more personal note, Neilalien offered his assistance in my early weblogging days, giving me tips on image posting and formatting and so on, which I appreciated greatly. And I know several other bloggers who benefited from his advice and wisdom.

So thank you, Neil! Thanks for the eight years of quality weblogging in your unique voice. Here’s to many more years!

In other news:

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