So I am to understand that a person by the name of Sluggo may have been here at some point in the recent past?

§ February 2nd, 2008 § Filed under Uncategorized Comments Off on So I am to understand that a person by the name of Sluggo may have been here at some point in the recent past?

from Four Color #1034 (Sept-Nov 1959)

1. If you’re gonna name your cabinet the “Cooky Cabinet,” you’re just asking for trouble. Okay, even if your name’s “Cooky” because you’re, you know, the cook, any kid poking around in the camp kitchen is gonna see that and go lookin’ for cookies.

1a. Then again, the “Cooky Cabinet” could mean that, within its confines, things are completely kooky and wacky and crazy. I mean, don’t you wish you had a Cooky Cabinet like that in your house, that you could reach into at any time when the situation demands it?

2. I don’t even want to know how Sluggo was distracting Camp Director Mr. Simply so that he could write “Sluggo Was Here” across Simply’s knees.

3. Speaking of those knees, let us consider this image:

Either Sluggo’s lettering is defying physics, or Sluggo used his expert lettering technique to create foreshortened and otherwise distorted writing to make the lettering appear as normal from this angle, even as it goes around the natural curves of the legs. Like, if you were to look at, say, that “G” from the side, it would look all stretched out, but from where we readers are looking, it looks like a standard “G.”

Or maybe Mr. Simply’s flabby leg-flesh just slammed together into a flat and clammy wall upon which Sluggo could make his mark.

Or maybe, while Mr. Simply was distracted, Sluggo wrapped Simply’s knees in cellophane, and….

…Okay, I’ll stop.

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