§ January 7th, 2008 § Filed under Uncategorized Comments Off on "KIT-LA PREDICTS!"

I’m putting out a call for your predictions! What do you think is going to happen in the comics industry during 2008? What events do you think are going to impact the business? Which delivery formats will live, and which will die? What will sell well, what will disappear without a trace?

If you have a prediction, or two, or five, just drop them in the comments section. I’ll drop my own in there during the day, sometime.

A couple rules:

1. Don’t read the other predictions before entering your own! I’m curious to see how many people come up with similar ideas…that might tell us something about common perceptions of the industry.

2. Don’t criticize other people’s predictions…there’ll be a chance to discuss the likelihood, or lack thereof, of some predictions in my forthcoming post analyzing the contributions. I would prefer not to have any arguments break out in my comments section.

3. Don’t predict anyone’s death. I mean, honestly.

So, if you have some predictions, please feel free to let me know what they are. Remember, it’s all in fun, and maybe, just maybe, we might learn a little something. (Learning not guaranteed.)

In the meantime, here’s where I grabbed the above still, to give you a little context for the “Kit-La Predicts!” thing:

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