In which Mike points out something you already knew about.
IN-JOKE AHOY: A short sequence in which a kinda/sorta caricature of DC Comics’ then-publisher Jenette Kahn approaches Spidey about appearing in a special comic…the comic itself a take-off on DC’s Superman Vs. Muhammad Ali:

The lateness of Superman Vs. Muhammad Ali‘s release is also addressed:

from Amazing Spider-Man #186 (Nov 1978)
by Marv Wolfman, Keith Pollard & Mike Esposito
The old lady’s dialogue in that last panel is a little funny as well, but too bad it turns out she’s Spidey-villain the Chameleon in disguise. It does lead to an amusing/appalling sequence where Spidey realizes it’s the Chameleon and turns his lights out, but the admiring crowd around him only sees him clocking an old lady.
Ah, what the heck, here it is:

By the way, in searching for a good link for Superman Vs. Muhammad Ali, I discovered (unsurprisingly) that I’m not the first online to note this particular slam of Marvel’s on DC. Ah, well…I just spent the time to scan the images and put together the post, so you’re getting it anyway. And besides, it gives me a chance to link again to one of my favorite comic book sites, Treasury Comics, so go, visit…tell them Mike sent you.