Blogging about blog banners is a sin.
Starting today, I’m going to begin cycling through the various title banners that have been generously submitted by you, the loyal Progressive Ruin readers. I’m going to swap ’em out every few days, so remember to refresh that browser cache of my site every once in a while.
If you’d still like to submit a banner for future use, the details are, again, as follows:
- 825 by 100 pixels, “mike sterling’s progressive ruin” all in lowercase, monospaced Courier font – when completed, send as an attachment to mikester (at) progressiveruin (dot) com.
- No guarantee that your banner will be used, or for how long if it is used. Nothing personal, and I do appreciate every submission.
- If I use your submission during this initial “cycling through the banners” period, a credit (including a link to your site, if applicable) will appear at the top of my sidebar. Should I decide to use one of the banners on a more permanent basis, a link will still be present, but probably will be moved to underneath my personal info.
- I may also eventually create a randomized logo banner feature, causing a new one to load with each visit, in which case a separate page featuring all the used logos, with credits, will be created.
- This is not a contest; there is no deadline. So long as I have an active website, and barring unforeseen circumstances and/or a change of heart, I will continue accepting banner submissions.
Again, thank you to you folks for your contributions. They’ve all been a lot of fun, and I truly am grateful for your time and effort.
Plus, a lot of you seem to think I’m some kind of Swamp Thing fan. I have no idea from where you got that impression.