Sluggo, Stickers, Stalks, Stardust, Somebody Else’s Problem, Selling Out, Simple, & San Diego.
So, I trust you all contemplated Sluggo yesterday? Got in touch with your inner Sluggo? Enhanced your personal Sluggoness?
Good. Contemplate Sluggo for at least five minutes a day, and you’ll be a better, stronger person for it.

A week or two back, someone gave us a binder filled with nine-pocket card pages, all containing random cards and nearly, but not quite, complete sets. It’s all pretty humdrum, except for a page full of swell sparkly foil stickers featuring Your Favorite Marvel Comics Characters. And Shatterstar:

The sparkle effect works to the benefit of these next two characters:

For Gambit, not so much:

Here’s a closer look at Gambit’s womanly lips:

My Swamp Thing sense must be slipping in my advanced years, as somehow this reference in Fables #64 got past me:

Thanks to the mighty Paul for cluing me in on this!
Ooh, that’s not good. The film adaptation of the…well, it’s not a really a “graphic novel” as such, but it did come from DC Comics, so close enough…of Neil Gaiman and Charles Vess’ comic-type thingie Stardust tanked pretty hard last weekend. Which is a shame…the trailer didn’t look too bad, but maybe folks are just all fantasied out at the moment.
And, hey, Peter O’Toole’s in it? I didn’t realize that. I’ll definitely give it a rental when it’s out on DVD in about four months.
A little bird tells me that a fourth edition of Dungeons & Dragons is on its way, whether you like it or not. I only bring it up here because I can remember the trauma all the gamers went through (at least at our shop) when the 2nd Edition was unleashed upon the world.
I don’t sell games any more, so it’s officially Somebody Else’s Problem now. But, you know, let me know how it all works out.
And now, a commercial advertisement:
Hey, look in my sidebar, there. I’ve got three slots for Project Wonderful ads. Only one is being currently used. Those other two empty slots mock me…mock me…with their non-linking-to-paying-advertisers-ness. For only $0.20 a day, as of this writing, you too can hitch your wagon to my chicken and success can only surely follow. (Success only a possibility, not a guarantee. No chickens are harmed in the creation or posting of advertising. Mr. Sterling is not a financial expert or a trained economic advisor…the man sells comics for a living, for God’s sake.)
So, anyway, get yourself an ad (for your weblog, for your blog…heck, I don’t care) and buy yourself a space in my sidebar. The other bloggers are pointing and laughing at the empty slots and it’s making me sad.
From the morning of New Comics Day…reason #1927 not to work for Mike:
Employee Aaron: “Wow, we sure got the comic order unpacked fast today!”
Me: “Yeah…for once the shipment was pretty simple…not unlike Jeff.”
Employee Jeff: “Hey…are you saying I’m simple?”
Me: “I believe you just answered your own question.”
There’s only one thing that must be done with Alan Light’s excellent collection of ’82 San Diego Con photos…and Tim O’Neil is the man what did it.