If you ever find yourself shouting "EEEEAAA! Doll Man!" then you’ve probably made some poor choices in life.

from Doll Man #46 (June 1953)
So anyway, I realize I’ve been a bit image-heavy the last few days, but I’ve been, once again, under the weather, and not up to my usual two-fisted blogging standards. On top of that, some of the online controversies and verbal sniping and those one or two chuckleheads who insist on being wrong about everything and never ever ever seem to go away…well, all that really harshes my mellow, man.
I’d considered entering “LOW CONTENT MODE” again and taking the week off, but that feels like running away. And, as you all should know by now, I ain’t no quitter, baby! I’m a fighter! And I fight with comic book panels!
For example, here’s another one from that Ibis story in Whiz #88, with the cutest little Cerberus you’re likely to see:

…And here’s a follow-up on that Peanuts story from Tip Top #221. The plot involves Charlie Brown inventing a robot which he immediately uses to terrorize his friends, and eventually those friends catch up to him in a sequence of off-model terror:

It’s all a dream, so, sure, Charlie Brown gets off the hook, but what about the poor reader? How’s s/he supposed to process this nightmarish image of Schroeder?

Take that to your dreams tonight.
And this next item isn’t a panel, but rather an old item we’ve unearthed in the store’s treacherous and cavernous back rooms: an Bill Sienkiewicz-painted “new universe” retail poster:

That brings back some fond, nostalgic memories, doesn’t it? C’mon, you can admit it: you were the guy that liked Kickers, Inc., weren’t you? Go ahead, say it…we won’t laugh. Honest.