Mike Sterling’s Progressive Cranius!

§ May 23rd, 2007 § Filed under cranius § 6 Comments

So in the wake of the news of a new Un-Men series coming soon from DC Comics/Vertigo, the entire comics internet has gone CRANIUS CRAZY!

Arguably the most memorable of Arcane’s army of Un-Men, Cranius made his first appearance in Swamp Thing #2 (Dec-Jan ’72-’73), returned in Swamp Thing #10 (May-June ’74), and that, as far as I know, was it until his reappearance in the ’80s (a reprint of #10 in Saga of the Swamp Thing #18, a flashback shot in Saga #19).

Not very many appearances to be sure, but his impending return in Un-Men #1:

…has internet comicdom abuzz! Cranius Reporter covers your latest Cranius news, When Cranius Attacks focuses on the ongoing Cranius statue controversy, BeaucoupCranius and Invincible Super-Cranius make with the wacky Cranius humor, Lady, That’s My Cranius also cracks wise about Cranius, Mag ‘n’ H at Cranius Treadmill give us some historial overviews of Cranius’ funnybook appearances, pal Dorian at PostmodernCranius turned up some beefcake shots Cranius took during his lean years, pal Tom reviews Cranius’ various TV appearances over at You Know What Cranius Likes while Siskoid’s Blog of Cranius-ery has his roles on Star Trek covered, Chris Butcher at Cranius212 demonstrates Cranius’ impact on comics retailing, Cranius “Brainy” Brown has his top ten favorite Cranius moments, Cranius Worth Reading has somehow managed to turn up a female-friendly Cranius manga (who knew?), Noetic Concranius has several Cranius reviews and images, Mark Evanier’s News from Cranius retells that old story about Cranius’ drunken appearance on Johnny Carson’s Tonight Show, Bully at Cranius Oughta Be Fun discovers that Cranius…well, isn’t that much fun, Craniusalien finds a rare Steve Ditko drawing of Cranius, and Cranius Hates Your Blog thinks my Cranius joke has gone on way too long.

EDIT: And the Craniosity just keeps on keepin’ on! Be sure to visit Blog Cranius, Pal, Blockade Cranius, chief Craniac Milo at The Unofficial John Westmoreland Memorial Cranius Webring, The Roar of Cranius, and, lest we forget, When Will The Cranius Stop. All vital Cranius resources, so visit early, visit often!

So, CRANIUS! He’s a leader of men:

Well, Un-Men, anyway.

And he looks good sittin’ on top of a pole:

He’s Cranius!




Don’t be fooled by cheap imitations:

There’s only one Cranius!

CRANIUS! I have, won’t you?

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