Lo, and there came to pass another Free Comic Book Day…
…and the people did rejoice mightily, and they did journey from far and wide to visit their local funnybook emporiums, to partake of the glorious bounty that awaited them. They found Unseen Peanuts, and saw that it was good, and took them by the handful. They saw mounds of Owly: Helping Hands, and seeing that it too was good, their hands did help indeed themselves to it. They saw the Worlds of Aspen, and…um…and they did take that, too, for it was free and what the hell. Yea, verily.
In other words, get your hinders into our shop and get free comics, because I don’t want to have to find a place to store the leftovers. And, um, you might find something you’ll enjoy, too.
Yea, verily. And so on.
Since I’ll be busy with the aforementioned event, and since (as I’m writing this) I just got back from seeing Spider-Man 3 and totally need to go to bed sometime soon so that I have more than five hours of sleep in me before going to work in the morning, I don’t have much content for this post. Well, except for this next little thing. You know what happens when you’re killing some time and you just happen to search on the word “nerd” on the eBay? You find this:
“Star Wars NAKED NERD photo set to raise money for C4 – Fanboy exploits own body to get the SW CELEBRATION IV”
“…My ‘NAKED NERD Charity Drive’ of sorts to gain funds to attend what could be the defining moment in any STAR WARS fan’s life: THE STAR WARS CELEBRATION IV, taking place in Los Angeles, CA, May 24-28, 2007 celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the start of GEORGE LUCAS’s opus Sextology(?) STAR WARS: Episode IV: A NEW HOPE!!!!!!!
“A life-long fan of the films, as many of you fine citizens may also be, I cannot bear the thought of missing out on this , the ultimate fan experience due to lack of funds. You see, I have recently relocated and as many of you know, the act of moving one’s self and possessions can be a taxing strain on one’s bank account. Try as I might I just can’t seem to raise the necasary fundage to finance such a journey…at least not though the traditional routes.
“Instead I have taken a page of wisdom from the 2nd greatest film of all time: DETROIT ROCK CITY starring Sir Edward Furlong and have decided to do what so many Sorority Girls and Single Mothers before me have done to get what they need and desire…….SHAKE WHAT THE GOOD LORD GAVE ME!!!!!!!!!!!”
“Let me give you potential bidders a little bit of info on what you will be bidding on:
“What I have for you is a set of nearly 40 digital photos of me stripped down to my underwear (Boxer Briefs) in various HIGHLY EROTIC poses designed to stimulate and titlulate everyone…including the deceased. These pictures are strictly cheesecake ABOLUTLEY NO ACTUAL NUDITY is contained within these photographic records of a desperate man.
“You will see photos of me in various states of undress striking HOT poses on the hood of my 1996 HONDA CIVIC…..WHITESNAKE STYLE!!!!! In The shower sudsing up for a night on the town. Relaxing on the couch……comfortably. Being caught UNAWARE whilst traversing the rooms and corridors of my palacial NERD ESTATE.”
Friend, you had me at “WHITESNAKE STYLE!!!!!”
Sample photos at the link. Oh, yes indeedy. Safe for work, I guess.