It may not be what you want, but it’s certainly what you need.

§ February 20th, 2007 § Filed under Uncategorized Comments Off on It may not be what you want, but it’s certainly what you need.

“Mardi Gras celebrations grow in Grand Rapids”

“The Super Happy Funtime Burlesque show will highlight the New Orleans-themed bar’s four-day Mardi Gras celebration, which kicked off Saturday.”


“Tonight’s event, which starts at 9 p.m. is burlesque in the classic sense — provocative, funny entertainment for adults — but with a New Orleans twist. The show will include a jazz-style funeral procession, a reincarnation ritual, ‘Swamp Thing’ dancers and a living voodoo doll.”

“Swamp Thing dancers.”




Whatever it is I’m picturing in my head, it surely isn’t what’s happening at this Mardi Gras event.

Is it?

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