Another 100 Things I Love About Comics.
It’s that time of year again, when love is all around, delighting most of us and sickening the rest…which means it’s also time for another 100 things I love about comics! (Previous installments: 1 & 2)
1. Adventures of Superman starring George Reeves
2. All-New Atom by Gail Simone and assorted parties
3. Archie as Pureheart the Powerful
4. Bat Lash
6. Batman and Robin travelling through time via hypnosis, courtesy Professor Nichols
7. Batman-related videos on YouTube
8. Bat-Mite
10. Bizarro #1
11. The Boys by Garth Ennis & Darick Robertson
12. The results of Brandon’s occasional Photoshop challenges
13. Brainiac, particularly when he was accompanied by Koko, his pet space-monkey
14. Charles Burns
15. The Calculator — not the new, modern “master crime planner” version, but the guy with a freaking keypad on his chest who could make items just materialize out of his helmet
17. Comic book ads that don’t even try to disguise the fact that they’re scams
18. The Simpsons‘ Comic Book Guy
19. Dalgoda by Jan Strnad & Dennis Fujitake
21. The Death of Captain Marvel
22. Decoder cards for secret messages in modern comics
23. Destroy! by Scott McCloud
24. Dial H for Hero
25. Diesel Sweeties by R. Stevens
26. Dr. Watchstop by Ken Macklin
28. Fables by Bill Willingham & others
29. Fanguish
30. Fantastic Four Vs. The X-Men by Chris Claremont & Jon Bogdanove
31. The Fatal Five
33. Firestorm, The Nuclear Man
35. The fact that issue #666 of Four Color Comics is “Santa Claus Funnies”
36. Foxtrot by Bill Amend
38. Glow-in-the-dark covers (the one cover enhancement I really happen to enjoy)
39. Gumby comics (old and new)
40. Halo Jones by Alan Moore & Ian Gibson
41. Hero Squared
43. Incredibly inappropriate horror-themed covers for ’70s superhero comics
44. The Incal by Moebius
45. This Joker GIF I made. It’s practically hypnotic.
46. Journalista
47. Justice League of America #123 (1975), in which comic writers Elliot S! Maggin and Cary Bates travel from Earth-Prime into the DC superhero multiverse…Bates becomes a villain, Maggin must warn the heroes…it’s a real “what the heck” kind of comic.
48. The bottle city of Kandor
49. Chris Karath’s frequent comic book action figure photo galleries
50. The Kryptonian Thought-Beast
51. Lloyd Llewellyn
52. The Lobo Convention Special
53. Marshal Law by Pat Mills & Kevin O’Neill
54. Marvel Adventures: The Avengers
55. Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars — yeah, so? Wanna make somethin’ of it?
56. Art Suydam’s Marvel Zombies covers
57. Shawn McManus
60. Mr. Mind, the World’s Wickedest Worm
61. Neil the Horse by Arn Saba
62. Nextwave by Warren Ellis & Stuart Immonen
63. Odd Bodkins by Dan O’Neill
64. Novelizations of comic book events…I know these aren’t good for me, but I can’t help myself
65. Omniverse, edited by Mark Gruenwald
66. The One by Rick Veitch
67. Palookaville by Seth
68. “Planet Hulk”
70. Puma Blues by Steve Murphy and Michael Zulli
72. The Rack by Benjamin Birdie & Kevin Church
73. Reagan’s Raiders
74. Red Kryptonite
75. Runaway Comic by Mark Martin
76. John Severin
77. Shazam: The Monster Society of Evil by Jeff Smith
78. Sinestro
79. The all-too infrequent times on Smallville when it actually kinda/sorta feels like a superhero comic (Clark is particularly superhero-y, Lex is in full-on villain mode, etc.)
81. The Spirit by Darwyn Cooke
82. Stickboy by Dennis Worden
83. The Super Powers comics drawn by Jack Kirby
84. Whenever one of the Superman supporting characters gained super powers
85. The second, and far superior, Superman/Spider-Man crossover
86. The Supermobile
87. Appearances of swamp creatures from other comic book companies in Swamp Thing
88. Stealth appearances of Swamp Thing in the regular DC Universe (in All-New Atom and in Infinite Crisis, among others)
89. Thor’s Jukebox
90. The 3 Geeks by Rich Koslowski
91. Tomb of Dracula by Marv Wolfman & Gene Colan
92. Tor Love Betty
94. Tug & Buster by Marc Hempel
95. Len Wein
96. Weird War Tales
98. J.R. Williams
99. Xenozoic Tales by Mark Schultz
100. …And, of course, all of my readers and fellow comicsweblogospherians. Thanks for reading!
100 1/2. Swamp Thing slippers
Bill at Trusty Plinko Stick has got the love, too, so go check out his list! (I see he also took the brave stand of loving Secret Wars….)