Wednesday misc.

§ January 3rd, 2007 § Filed under Uncategorized Comments Off on Wednesday misc.

I know you’ve already heard about this elsewhere by now, but imagine my surprise Sunday, when I checked our e-mailed Diamond invoice for items arriving this week and found that we’re receiving about 8% of our order for Civil War #6. Like the problems with the DC Comics from last week, west coast retailers are receiving allocated orders on this comic.

As soon as I saw that on the invoice, I suddenly had a vision of what the following week of work was going to be like. Customer after customer, coming in the store expecting the new Civil War, wondering where it is, and my having to explain repeatedly what happened. And, as usual, there’s always that small percentage of folks who’ll get mad at us, like it’s our fault, or assume we’re lying and move on to another comic shop (where they won’t find it, either, probably).

Sigh. So it’s not bad enough the series is behind schedule in the first place, but now we’ve got to wait an extra week while we take the brunt of our customers’ annoyance.

Well, maybe I can take the opportunity to sell them some good comics.

A quick weblog note: Noetic Concordance has started up again, kicking off the new year with his favorite comics of 2006.

Also, pal Tom just posted his 2006 movie round-up, which you should read. Or else.

Here, have a random comic book reference in the middle of this analysis of the U.S.’s military forces:

“There might be those who liken the reality of President Bush’s predicament with a DC Comics event in 2002 intended to promote a series of comic books. ‘Power Surge’ was composed of seven eponymous one-shot issues involving participation by classic cartoon characters such as ‘Batman’ and then ‘Wonder Woman’ and others such as ‘The Justice League.’

Or there might not.

Apparently I’m not the only one who expressed doubts at the viability of the Who Wants to Be A Superhero comic being released so long after the conclusion of the TV series: via Johanna we see that the comic’s publisher, Dark Horse, has pushed back its release to tie into the show’s second season.

This video is pretty rough going, but about halfway through there’s a sequence of Batman TV show style sound effects that made me laugh:

And I really don’t want to know what that one guy is doing to that pole in the latter half of the video.

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