"The world is to bastardly"
And now, a definition of “good” I’m unfamiliar with:
“Rumors are going around that there will be one. Is this true?”
“Apparently so. I also hear that Todd McFarlen is going to write and direct it.”
“That will be good.”
“If it is Spawn 2, I hope they get the original cast back. But since it’s been almost ten years since the first Spawn movie, I wouldn’t mind if they just started over, there I would accept a new cast.”
“McFarlane talked about this at the Image ComiCon thing or whatever.
a) It WILL be a restart. It will be a cheap movie, he’s writing and directing. Also, he’s making it a very dark and gritty film, wth influence from such films as LA Confidential. Spawn will not seak a single word in the movie.”“I’d despise the idea of Spawn not talking at all. It kind of ruins the mysteriousness of the character.”
So, in the world of the X-Men:
“Could mutants ever be accepted?”
“Could Charles’ dream actually come true?”
“nope the world is to bastardly”
“In the story I guess it would eventually, but there will always be problems. Just like there will always be people who discriminate against blacks. But in my own personal opinion evolution is a load of crap, and in real life we won’t have to worry about mutants anyway. :P”
“No. Blacks do not equal mutants. Blacks are humans with merely a different skin color. Mutants are people who can create volcanoes in their backyard….”
“they could but why if it ever comes to that then the x-men are of no use anymore”
“they could still be of use…people change…there is sentinals and so on and so forth”
“begrudgery is bound to creep in, manifesting itself as anti mutant feeling…”
“…What I don’t understand is why mutants are so scared of other humans. They have reality-warpers among them. If things get too bad, just tell them to warp reality.”
All of these questions from this thread rule. Check ’em out:
“Just thought of a few situations that I don’t know if they are possible or not and thought I’d ask about it. And I’m classifying this as character vs. situation OR power vs. power
1. Can Venom bond with Collosus when he’s metal?
2. Can Classic Black Tom Cassidy block out Black Canary’s scream? (The Cassidy that was immune to Banshee)
3. Can Gambit, with enough power, charge up air particles?
4. What would happen if Rogue touched Martian Manhunter?
5. Could Hulk, if he got mad enough, break through a [Green Lantern]’s shield?
6. If Gambit charges up a metal object, could Magneto stop it from exploding?
7. Could Kitty phase through Invisible Woman’s shield?
8. Could Kitty phase through a GL’s shield?
9. What would happen if Banner had his bones bonded with metal? Would he not be able to grow if he became the Hulk?
10. I once heard the Nightcrawler teleported by transferring to a different dimension. If this is true, could he stay there?
11. Is Juggernaught unstoppable if he’s not moving?”
Someone has a go at giving thorough answers…here are some excerpts:
“1. Can Venom bond with Collosus when he’s metal? – Yes. Colossus is organic steel. The key word being ORGANIC.”
“3. Can Gambit, with enough power, charge up air particles? – Probably if he had herald-level power, yea. Otherwise, no.”
“4. What would happen if Rogue touched Martian Manhunter? – She’d probably turn Green, and gain his powers. Rogue’s powers work on Aliens. She showed this when she absorbed a fraction King Hyperions powers.”
“9. What would happen if Banner had his bones bonded with metal? – He’d die.
Would he not be able to grow if he became the Hulk? – If he had them bonded to him when Banner he’d die. If he had them bonded to Hulk he’d probably still be able to grow, but his bones would break because the adamantium wouldnt grow, and then he’d just regrow his bones over the adamantium.”“11. Is Juggernaught unstoppable if he’s not moving? – That doesnt make sense.”