Thursday misc.

§ August 10th, 2006 § Filed under Uncategorized Comments Off on Thursday misc.

Hey, that sounds familiar.

It doesn’t surprise me that other folks are predicting this resolution to the current Spider-Man storylines. (Not saying I was the first, just to be clear.) Of course, if this idea gets to be widespread enough, we may have another Armageddon 2001 deal on our hands, with Marvel cooking up some other completely convoluted solution.

Eh, whatever. However they do it, it’ll all be put back together before Spider-Man 3 is in theatres, most likely.

My Canadian evil twin, Steven (formerly of Flat Earth fame) was good enough to point me to an online Swamp Thing mention that made it past my radar. The Skeptical Inquirer investigates swamp creatures, and Swampy gets a name-check (and a graphic novel cover scan).

It’s an odd convergence of this site and my other one. THE BARRIERS HAVE BEEN BREACHED.

There were some new comics out this week, too, I guess: a new Little Lulu volume, number 11 in the series, came out, and if you aren’t buying them by now, there ain’t anything I can tell you now to get you started.

The new issue of Cinefantastique arrived, and it’s the San Diego Comic Convention 2006 preview issue. Oh, that’s unfortunate. (I’m assuming the mag made it to places with real magazine distribution prior to the con….)

I kept nitpicking the new Green Lantern action figures that came out this week (like “Saalak is the wrong shade of pink!”), and then, after realizing what I was doing, I had to just set them down and walk away.

The new edition of The Little Man, Chester Brown’s collection of short pieces, also was unleashed this week…I kept picking up a copy, flipping through it, trying to decide if I needed to own it. Well, it does have a new cover, and some expanded footnotes…it’s a good looking book, but I think I need to wait for a week when I didn’t have to pay for a bunch of highly necessary automotive work. Feh, stupid real world. But for those of you out there who have a little more coin of the realm than I do and don’t own this material, I recommend you give it a go. Bizarre humor, interesting autobiographical tales, and an emotionally-involving story or two. Good reading (here’s a sample).

Speaking of Drawn and Quarterly, looking about a month back on the D&Q blog, there’s an announcement of some progress on a new issue of Joe Matt’s Peep Show. It’s really been five years since the last issue?

If you see a lot of Blackhawk comics on pal Dorian’s site…well, you can blame me. I’m the fella what forced them upon him. “Excuse me, good sir…would you like to buy some of…these?” (Unfortunately, I didn’t have any of the Blackhawks with the really offensive Chop Chop for him…I just had the ones with the slightly less offensive Chop Chop.)

And, by the way, deciding to poke in on Dor’s site while you’re at work can provide a surprise.

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