"Green Lantern! Wooooo! CHUG IT!"

§ July 13th, 2006 § Filed under Uncategorized Comments Off on "Green Lantern! Wooooo! CHUG IT!"

Wednesday was a day for odd things to happen at the store:

  • A customer’s pet iguana, usually fairly mellow and content just to cling to said customer’s shirt, was instead particularly antsy and kept jumping off the customer and onto counters, shelves, etc. Leapin’ lizards! (No harm done, don’t worry.)
  • I watched Nat draw an Elmo sketch for pal Ian on the back of his business card.
  • …And pal Corey said to me “I don’t care what anyone thinks, but this Cyborg Superman Green Lantern cover rules.” To this, employee Aaron responded with a “Yeah! High five!” which was followed by Corey and Aaron indeed high-fiving.

    Upon seeing my reaction to this…incident, Corey, Aaron, and Corey’s brother Chad, who was also present, continued with exaggerated cheers and whoops over the Green Lantern cover, specifically to annoy me. The statement that makes up this post’s title came from Chad.

    Apparently our store became a frat when I wasn’t looking. TOGA PARTY AT COMIC HOUSE!

And now…some of this week’s new arrivals. Let’s see if I can manage not to start any arguments this time:

Ladies and gentlemen…Spider-Man’s ass:

“Um…Mr. Parker? I know you’re our teacher ‘n all, but…um, we’re really not comfortable with knowing whether or not you’re wearing any underwear.” (And I forget who mentioned this to me…it may have been pal Tom…but in that new costume, particularly in that pose, Spidey looks like Ant.)

Hero Squared #2 – It’s billed on the cover as the “All Therapy Issue,” and they ain’t kidding. Regular Milo and Superhero Milo try to work out their problems in an issue-long dialogue, which, in true Giffen/DeMatteis fashion, is alternately wacky and serious. Joe Abraham manages to keep the story visually interesting with telling expressions on the characters’ faces as they work through (or wallow in) their problems.

Dorothy #6 – We get the story of the Tin Man in this issue, told through his raster-lined memories. Compelling if bleak, but visually never anything less than absolutely beautiful. I say this every time I mention this comic, but I’m not big on the fumetti-style photo comics, but a lot of work was obviously put into this series’ presentation, and it sure comes through in the quality of the artwork.

Crisis on Infinite Earths Series One Repaints – Perhaps you may remember the quality control issues with the original run of these figures, and its ultimate fate. Well, they’ve been reissued with new paint jobs, and they look…a tad better, anyway. The Monitor’s hair is less uneven, there are some metallic paint highlights on some of the figures, the Psycho-Pirate’s face is more angry and villainous-looking, there appears to be a touch more color in Supergirl’s hair. No real major changes, but lots of little ones which add up to a slighly more quality product than the figures these are replacing.

Alan Moore Spells It Out – I don’t even remember what this little booklet features, but upon seeing it, employee Nathan expressed his wish for an Alan Moore’s Guide to Growing A Beard, and now I can think of nothing else.

Shatter TPB – I do miss the color, but stripping it down to just the black and white images does make one aware of how much work went into this, the first computer-illustrated comic book. It would be easy to laugh at the supposedly primitive nature of the artwork, constructed by Mike Saenz on one of the early model Macintosh computers, but closer examination reveals that the art has a complexity and a unique beauty all its own. It’s been close to twenty years since I’ve read this, so I don’t recall if I should say “yay” or “nay” to the actual story, but let’s face it…the art’s the star of this show. If you’re interested in the early use of computer-produced narratives, or if you’re simply nostalgic for the days of pixellated illos on your Mac SE’s black and white screen, give the book a look.

Metal Men Archives Vol. 1 – AT LONG LAST. I can’t afford it right now, but I’m glad it exists. You really can’t beat DC’s crazy 1960s superhero comics, and the Metal Men is just pure nutty fun.

Tenth Muse #11 – …Which I’m pointing out because customer Weshoyot drew the entirety of this issue, and since we all like Weshoyot around here, I wanted to give her book a plug.

In other news:

When Nat was in, he was wearing this Licensable Bear™ button, which I now must own. Find more Licensable Bear™ stuff here.

“POW! It’s a brush with Batman”

A look at a Batman art exhibit, including images by TV Batman Adam West:

“West’s show features 52 sketches and paintings depicting characters such as the Joker, played by Cesar Romero, and Catwoman, played by Julie Newmar.

“‘I had been working on a series of pictures to kind of give my expression to the [TV show’s 40th] anniversary,’ West said from his home in Ketchum, Idaho. […]

“The actor added that his artwork is either loved or hated by audiences. ‘I don’t paint butter dishes, doilies or hummingbirds in my garden. It’s more raw, I suppose. But it always creates a reaction,’ West said.”

Other artists are also featured in the exhibit:

“[Amanda Visell’s] painting ‘Double Identity’ features a smiling Bruce Wayne, Batman’s alter ego, sipping a cup of tea and being attended to by his manservant, Alfred, while the other half of his image is a frowning Batman with Robin hanging by nearly a thread to his Batapult.

“‘I think he’s frowning because he’s at work and he has to be serious,’ she said, adding that Batman and Robin always had a tense relationship anyway. ‘And the one where he’s smiling, he’s being served by Alfred…. I think most people are happy when they’re being served.'”

Well said.

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