If you look at only one weblog with a sexy Woody Allen pin-up today, LET IT BE THIS ONE.
So there’s the “full color centerfold pinup” of Amy Fisher mentioned in the He Said/She Said ad I posted yesterday. Please note 1) the ghostly images of Joey and Mary Jo Buttafuoco in the clouds, and 2) the tasteful addition of the handgun.
T-shirts were also advertised to commemorate the release of this funnybook:
That’s a two-sided shirt, featuring both covers of this flip-book comic.
Alas, I had no actual copy of this comic in either the vast Mikester Comic Archives or the store stock, but I did have a copy of #2 featuring the above images in a house ad. This second issue, by the way, was the Woody Allen/Mia Farrow issue, with, yes, a full-color Soon-Yi pin-up:
Also included is this charming Woody Allen pin-up:
We also have issue #5, with O.J. Simpson/Nicole Simpson, and I was praying, praying, that there was no “sexy” centerfold in this one. There is a color poster, but it’s Mr. Simpson’s mug shot.
And for completeness’ sake, the other two issues in the series featured Bill Clinton/Gennifer Flowers and Tonya Harding/Jeff Gillooly. Collect ’em all.