I went looking for reactions to All Star Batman & Robin #4, but I found this instead.
“i need one. i definately need a woman who reads comics. seriously. i’m hoping to use this thread as a platform for folks (men and women) who want to meet someone of the opposite gender (or even of the same gender, hell, who am i to judge?) if you want to reach out and connect with someone, i suggest that you post on here:
your age
what city/state area you can be found in
which comics you like to read
and any other random bullcrap about yourself that you think someone might care about”“You know that’s not enough. You need to be more specific if you’re going to catch a ladies attention. We need to know:
-How tall are you?
-How much do you weigh?
-What’s your build?
-What’s you’re income?
-What’s your proffession?
-Do you still have a full head of hair?
-Would you describe yourself as looking okay, cute or hot?
-Do you have any pets?
-Do you live alone/own your own home or do you live with Mom?
-Can you cook?
-What’s your view on women?
-Do you believe in what’s yours is our and mine is mine?”“man i have this comic book women at my comic store, and shes alrite lookn………shes got sum nice big round……..eyes………………lol”
“There is a really cute girl who works at [removed] in NYC. I want her…yum, yum.”
“Quite possibly the most pathetic topic ever. Do you think women are actually going to try and meet a potential boyfriend on these boards? If you do, more power to you, but damn.”