Okay, how would you describe the premise of Infinite Crisis to someone who doesn’t read comics? (I mean, aside from “nerds who worry too much about things that happened in comics 20 years ago get a series just for them.”)
Now I did enjoy Infinite Crisis, but then, I’m right there in that target audience (about the same age as its writer, Geoff Johns, and read all the same comics he did…plus, there’s the whole “worrying about things that happened in comics 20 years ago”). Plus, I’m a sad old DC fanboy and am thus a sucker for events like this. However, I’ll admit that IC may be a challenge to summarize.
Commenter Dwight gave it a shot:
“Twenty years ago, reality got hard-rebooted. Now, a few survivors of those who had to make that reboot happen in the first place have decided they’re not happy with the results, so they’re gonna do it again. Mayhem ensues.”
Per Bully’s suggestion, I’d replace “reboot” with, I don’t know, “rebuilt?” “Restructured?”
How about
“Twenty years ago, the shared DC Universe was rebuilt from the ground up. Now, a few survivors, left out of the new restructured reality despite helping it come about, have decided they’re not happy with the results, so they’re gonna do it again. Mayhem ensues.”
That still uses fan-concepts like “shared universe,” but I don’t think that’s too bad.
You folks have any ideas?