And now…an important message.

§ January 25th, 2006 § Filed under swamp thing § 1 Comment

DARRYL: “Hey Omar…look at how the plastic cup acts like a boat in water!”


SWAMP THING: “You kids know that plastic lasts hundreds of years when thrown into the environment?”

OMAR: “That stuff lasts that long?”

SWAMP THING: “Sure does, Omar. We all have to protect the Green, recycle our litter.”

DARRYL: “You need us to help protect the land and water?”

SWAMP THING: “Sure do!”

OMAR: “You really that busy?”*

SWAMP THING: “As a matter of fact, kids…I’m swamped!”

ALL: (laughter)

(As featured on the Return of Swamp Thing DVD…highly recommended!)

* Not 100% sure on this line.

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