As some of you may recall, I recently moved to a new house here in lovely Ventura County, CA. And, when you move to a new house, you suddenly get a whole lot of gardening and window treatment flyers left on your doorstep. I received one such flyer today:
It’s a custom drapery treatment
You can have it all with…
Now, it seems to me I recall the DC Comics lawyers going after a — oh, I don’t recall, a car dealership or something? — that was using the phrase “Dynamic Duo,” which, it turns out, is copyrighted by the good folks at DC. I wonder how “Window Wonder Woman” (which, according to the flyer, has been around for 40 years) managed to slip past the DC radar? Was adding “Window” enough to keep this person from being harassed by The Man?
In the “thanks but no thanks” department:
“I am looking for a recommendation for something that might get me interested. To give some parameters, I would rule out *standard* super hero or horror stuff (but am open to something different) In general I am a science fiction/space opera fan. Long Epics with good characters. I would be looking more for story than for art. Any direction would be appreciated.”
First response?
“X-MEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, that’s the only comics I ever read, I used to have a spiderman comic with kull in it, and it was great.”
Yeah, these forums posts are a few years old, but it made me laugh. And the guy looking for good comics ended up with the Invisibles, so at least there’s a happy ending.