“‘Superman comics were first published almost 70 years ago and they were massively popular. Today, the same stories are just as successful, although they tend to come as films rather than in comics.'”
The Golden Plates, Mike Allred’s comic based on the Books of Mormon, setting sales records at a store in Utah:
“‘The first volume sold 2000 copies and number two will come very close to that as well.'”
“Other topics to be dissected will be a comparison between the superhero worlds created by rival publishers Marvel and DC, and a scrutiny of Arnold Schwarzenegger as an example of a superhero character who has crossed over into real life.”
“‘DC Comics provides a powerful way to leverage the hugely popular appeal of Batman with the milk moustache’s campaign focus on health and nutrition.'”
“Using comics is a delicate balance for artists and writers trying to spread a religious message through a medium sometimes viewed as frivolous or tawdry.”
“Keep Sunday comics funny, clean”
“Consider the June 5, 2005, strip of ‘Opus.’ Reference was made to a ‘belly fart.’ Do we really need this type of gutter comedy on the funny pages for our young people?”