A few quick notes about today:
1. I don’t need to read Superman/Batman #19 now, since a customer saw fit to pretty much read the entire issue to me today, as I was pulling books for the comic savers.
2. Identity Crisis, DC Countdown, dead Blue Beetle…it was all worth it just to get Detective Chimp back in a comic book again (in Day of Vengeance, in case you didn’t know).
3. I’m going to have to put a “CONTAINS ALL NEW MATERIAL!” tag on the new issue of Zap, aren’t I? Anyone interested isn’t really going to believe that there’s actually a brand new issue out.
4. Hmmm…according to this page, the Crisis on Infinite Earths novel by Marv Wolfman is actually doing fairly well, considering it’s an adaptation of a story involving 20-year-old comics continuity that can’t possibly attract anyone but old fanboys like me. Yeah, I’m going to read it, so sue me. I have a strange fascination with this kind of book: novelizations of events in the comics. I kinda liked Roger Stern’s Death and Life of Superman, Elliot S! Maggin’s Kingdom Come was a lot of fun, and Denny O’Neil’s Knightfall…well, that last one didn’t do anything for me. I always read these wondering how people who don’t read comics would react to them.*
5. We received a surprise in the mail today…a bundle of full-color postcards featuring the cover to the new Batman comic by Steve Englehart, Marshall Rogers, and Terry Austin…mailed to us by Mr. Austin himself, apparently. Pretty cool!