More Wildcat links than you can shake a whisker at.
There are several biographies of Ted Grant, AKA Wildcat, available online.
This page has a biography as well, but also includes what seems to be a chronological listing of Wildcat’s comic book appearances (as of 2002).
One more bio…this time for the Justice League Unlimited version of the character, complete with screenshots.
Here are some short synopses of a couple early Wildcat stories…
…or you can enjoy this Golden Age Wildcat story, drawn by Bernie Krigstein.
Wildcat meets Dr. Fate, as presented by Fred Hembeck.
A Wildcat skin for your Sims.
A review of the DC Direct action figure.
Take a look at some cool custom action figures as well.
Proposed contents for the theoretical Wildcat DC Archives.
Black Panther versus Wildcat — who will win? Who?
Role playing game stats for Villains & Vigilantes, Champions, Godlike, and Classic Marvel Super Heroes (near bottom of page).
And, of course, Wildcat Micro Heroes.