1. Reviews are beginning to creep in on the Rotten Tomatoes Sin City page, and so far it’s overwhelmingly positive. Here’s hoping that translates to sales on the graphic novels after the movie is released, rather than just selling right up until just before the movie comes out and then dying completely, as usual for comics films.
2. On this page, not only are there two different Bizarro homebrewed beer labels (one about halfway down, the other near the bottom), but there is a recipe for one of them as well. “Drink it! It am awful!”
3. Until last night, I had no idea there even was a character called “Super Lopez” until a random Google search brought him to my attention. Now I think he’s my new favorite superhero. Here’s the official site.
4. Via pal Andy, just in time for Easter…Netdisaster! Hurl meteors at my website! Fry eggs on Ringwood! Flood out Tom the Dog!