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A couple mostly positive reviews of advance screenings of Sin City, courtesy Greg and Ken. Ken reassures me that the film isn’t as deadly boring as some of early previews would have indicated. Like I told him in his comments section, I’m still not sold on the spot-color usage (it looks silly and awkward to me), but I’m willing to at least give this movie a chance.
And, like I also told Ken, as long as the film does well enough to not kill our sales on the graphic novels, I’ll be happy.
In a related story: Johanna links to a story on the ICV2 message boards about a retailer who was refused promotional Sin City posters, because that’s not the audience the promotional company wants to cater to. Okay, aside from the fact that this is the audience that this film is aimed at (i.e. the audience that’ll probably have have the most patience for this film)…well, a few weeks ago we received a bundle of Sin City movie posters from a promotional agency, so someone out there thinks that comic shops are okay places to advertise this flick. I don’t remember if our posters are from the same agency that’s mentioned in the article…I’ll check the mailing tube when I return to the store. At any rate, not sending these posters to comic shops is foolishness, I think.
Congress investigates steroid use in comics.
Happy birthday to Logan!