Just enough time for a brief note, before I’m off to work (what with a bunch of auctions ending today)…I wanted to express my appreciation to everybody who did the 100 Things I Love About Comics thing over the last few days. I know we have a couple more apparently still in the offing, but when they’re done, I’ll add them to the link list in my post. Speaking of which, look for that sentence (the one that currently reads “And here are quite a few more fine lists that I have found”) to become longer and even more awkward as more lists turn up. That sentence started out as “and here are some more” with only three links originally!
I did see the idea casually mentioned here and there about lists of 100 Things we all hate about comics, but that seems almost unnecessarily negative. Besides, I’m not sure I can come up with that many…and I’m sure too many of mine would be specific to managing a comic book store (“72. People asking me for the next issue of Battle Chasers“).
However, coming up with the top 100 was no problem. In fact, in no time at all I had a handwritten list of about 150 or so, and could easily have gone to 200. Well, there’s always next year.
Alan provided 100 Annotations to his list of 100 Things, and while I don’t think I’m quite up for that, I did have a friend of mine did ask why I picked Elliot S! Maggin over Cary “Mr. Surprise” Bates (both primary ’70s Superman writers) for my list. Well, I do like Mr. Bates’ work, and had the list gone to 200, I would have certainly had him on there. But, I gave the nod to Maggin as I really appreciated 1) the backstory and future-history he worked out for the Superman saga and continually referred to in his stories, and 2) his intelligent, arrogant, and somewhat quirky Lex Luthor who, while overwhelmed with hatred for Superman, was not an unfeeling monster…occasionally even being treated sympathetically. I don’t have time to go into detail right now, but you might get the idea by reading some of the stuff on Mr. Maggin’s own site.
And yes, I promise…next time, Gorilla Grodd’s on the list!
Remember…keep checking my post for additional links to other lists…I’ll add ’em as I find ’em! (Fred’s keeping a list, too.)