Logan at House of the Ded is giving away a run of Marvel’s recent Loki mini-series…go here for details.
I remember when I first heard about the Loki mini-series, mostly through Marvel’s slightly excessive hype machine,* I figured we were looking at yet another unnecessary spinoff of a Marvel property that currently isn’t really doing all that well to begin with. Well, surprise surprise, it actually turned out to be pretty good, nicely painted, and it sold well to boot.
I’m still kinda pleased with my interpretation of the ending of the series, if I may break my arm patting myself on the back for a moment.
(Kid Chris and I are processing some back issues at the shop on Sunday. Chris pulls up a copy of a Marvel MAX book….)
Kid Chris: “Hey, this cover makes it look kind of like a Vertigo comic!”
Me: “Yeah, well, one of Marvel’s primary marketing strategies is ‘consumer confusion.'”
Kid Chris: “Oh, you mean like Marvel publishing Identity Disc at the same time as DC’s Identity Crisis?”
Me: “Sorta like that, yeah.”
My favorite example of that particular strategy is this comic, which I’m sure wasn’t inspired at all by this one.