Suddenly, for no reason, a Warp Graphics promo poster:
So, among the many boxes of back issues we have on our shelves, we have a few that contain miscellaneous titles from the ’80s to the present – titles that only ran an issue or two, or were the only title from its publisher, or (usually) both. Essentially, titles that don’t have homes anywhere else in the other back issue boxes.
Anyway, the boxes for these particular comics were getting a little too tightly packed, and as I was adding another box and moving some of the comics around to loosen things up a bit, a sad thought stuck me.
I stopped what I was doing and paged through a comic that released one whole issue in the late ’80s, and was, in fact, the only release from this publisher. “This comic,” I thought, “represented someone’s dream…someone put a lot of time, effort, and money into this, and probably thought it was the beginning of something big. And, now, all it turned out to be is yet another forgotten comic in a plastic bag in an old comic box.”
Well, okay, my thoughts weren’t that coherent — they were more like “we’re stuck with this stupid comic forever” — but it still saddened me to think someone put all their hard work into something that’s essentially lost. (Unless they have cases of unsold copies in their garage that they’re still pawning off on friends and neighbors.)
I think that way sometimes about older comics, ones from the off-brand companies from the Golden and Silver age that are highly unlikely to ever be reprinted. For example, that Spunky the Monkey story…it was fairly clever, it was appealingly drawn, and it’s totally forgotten except by sad old fanboys like me who happens to enjoy vintage funny animal comics.
None of the above applies to the approximately 7,000 worthless Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles rip-offs and Dark Knight parodies that plagued the ’80s. Most of those deserve to be forgotten.*
Your disturbing Batman image for the day. Oh, heck, have another.