1. A couple nights ago, I had a dream that I was carefully preserving collectible Swamp Thing chocolate bars, and that I needed to take pictures of them for this website.
That’s all kinds of pathetic, on so many levels.
2. Somehow, all this time I thought I had Fortress of Blogitude on my links list over there to the right, and it turned out I hadn’t. Oops. Well, go visit his site lots and lots to make up for my oversight.
3. Yesterday, at the store:
Pal Sean: “If I were to buy any of the DC Archives, I’d buy all the Flash ones.”
Me: “You should buy the Green Lantern Archives, too.”
Sean: “Why?”
Me: “Because they’re buddies!”
4. Also at the store…the way we have our comics racked, the “mature readers” Marvel and DC titles are placed on the topmost shelf, to keep them out of the hands of the young, the impressionable, and the outright deranged. So, for the last couple of weeks, what cover immediately draws my eye, up there on that top shelf? Why, the one with the flaming upside-down pentagram, of course!
5. So the upcoming Megacon ’05 is going to have both Sam Jones and Sam Jones III as guests? That’s just plain mean.