Amazing World of DC Comics Special Edition #1

The temptation to just leave that image in a post of its own was overwhelming, I’ll have you know. Since I’m a nice guy, I’ll tell you that it came from this publication, which I just obtained recently:

This was a special digest-sized edition of DC Comics in-house fanzine, produced specifically for a Superman-focused convention in New York. Some of the contents include a short history of DC Comics, an “interview” with the Earth-One and Earth-Two Supermen (written by E. Nelson Bridwell), a gallery of different artists’ interpretations of the Man of Steel, a reprint of “How Superman Would End The War” (produced by creators Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster for Look magazine in 1940), a reprint of a comic drawn by Curt Swan and Stan Kay as a Kellogg’s cereral premium – here’s a sample panel:

…plus an article by Jack C. Harris on the origins of various heroes’ costumes, including this great shot of Superman as the Devil:

…and pencil roughs by Neal Adams for an unpublished(?) Supes story:

You can read more about this issue, and other issues in the Amazing World of DC Comics series at this site. (The link to the page about this Special Edition appears to have a typo…you can reach it here.)