First, thank you to everyone who responded to my query in my previous post, letting me know that the titles on my weblog look fine. Apparently it is just the work computer. Ah, well.
Second, I’ll probably be doing my new comics day round-up on Friday, since tomorrow is Thanksgiving and all (though I will still have at least one post tomorrow…tune in, won’t you?), but I did want to note a couple new arrivals:
It’s Only A Game, Charles M. Schulz’s other syndicated comic (created with Jim Sasseville) is now out in a nice volume from Nat Gertler’s About Comics. Very nicely done, and belongs on your shelf right next to Fantagraphics Complete Peanuts and the Li’l Beginnings book.
The Best of The Legion Outpost from TwoMorrows collects articles from the old Legion of Super-Heroes fanzine…as a longtime Legion fan, and a lover of old fanzines, this is right up my alley. Also, there’s a drawing of the Legion of Super-Pets (along with Groo’s dog Rufferto) by Sergio Aragones hidden within these pages…now you want to see a copy, don’t you?
And, yes, I might as well get it over with…pal Dorian was quoted in the newest issue of The Comics Journal. Right there, on page 55, in the “Fighting Words” column. Gosh darn it. But I’m not jealous! No, of course not! Just because he’s lording it over me, and probably will be doing so for the forseeable future….
Okay, okay, all kidding aside…I’m glad he got in there. He’s a smart guy, and a rational thinker, and I’m glad to see his thoughts get out there to a larger audience. A victory for the ACAPCWOVCCAOE* is a victory for us all**!
* I don’t even have to say the name “Associated Comics and Pop Culture Webloggers of Ventura County, CA And Outlying Environs” to myself anymore in order to spell the acronym. How sad is that?
** I realize this last sentence as a whole is really kinda geeky. But then, I am writing a comics weblog, so it’s just more sand for the Saraha, you know?