Gordon has some interesting ideas for trade paperback collections. (An Inferior Five collection? I’m all for it!)
Pal Ian has a few words to say on the matter of comic book completists that I don’t want any of my customers to read, so look away, look away! It does have one of the greatest-ever title/image combos for a weblog post, however.
Here’s a close look at one of my all-time favorite Batman comics. And I need to add this fellow’s website to my list of weblogs…I’m ashamed I haven’t done so already.
Another one of my favorite comics was the treasury edition of Superman And His Incredible Fortress of Solitude*, and X-Entertainment shows no hesitation in stomping all over my fond childhood memories. Well, okay, maybe it was kinda dopey, but I loved this comic anyway.
Judging from the various reviews of The Incredibles I’ve seen, it doesn’t sound good for the eventual public perception of the Fantastic Four movie. The last couple of lines of Matt’s review are especially worth noting and remembering when the FF movie is finally released.
“See, the big thing in comic books these days is fan fiction written by junior-varsity-level celebrities….” Thus spake Milo George. Have I mentioned how much I love his weblog? I love it as much as any comics weblogger can love another man’s weblog.
I was going to post a little something about DC’s announcement of Identity Crisis #2 going to a second printing, but Tom Spurgeon covers the bases nicely. (Nice URL on that link, by the way!) I will add that I wish Marvel would do more second printings themselves…we could have used more Loki, for example…I’m sure nobody expected it to sell half as well as it did. And maybe if I could get some reprints of Madrox #1, I could move a few of those #2s still sitting on the shelf. That fact that Marvel did reprint the first couple issues of Secret War is somewhat encouraging.
Also via Snappy Tom Spurgeon, I found this article featuring an interview with one of my favorite cartoonists, Don Rosa. (A brief correction to an error in the article – Carl Barks first drew Uncle Scrooge 57 years ago, not 42.) I would also like to draw your attention to the last couple lines, in which Rosa expresses his unusually positive take on the American comics specialty market.
You know, the more I look at that picture of Michael J. Pollard as Myxzptlk in my previous post, the more I think “they’d better have paid that poor bastard a lot of money.”