Ed at The Low Road is giving away a copy of Adam Sacks’ Salmon Doubts, and all you have to do to enter is send him something “fishy.” You have until October 31st to enter…details here.
The Peiratikos are offering up copies of Scott Pilgrim, with a Scott Pilgrim T-shirt as an additional grand prize. Just tell them why you think you would enjoy Scott Pilgrim. People who enter illustrated entries are eligible to win an original watercolor by Scott Pilgrim creator Bryan Lee O’Malley. Deadline is November 5th…details here. By the way, how many more times can I fit the title Scott Pilgrim into one paragraph?
And let us not forget Shane at Near Mint Heroes, offering up a copy of the Walking Dead trade, as well as the 24 Hour Comics volume. Just send a man a zombie story by October 31st…details here.
I should be offering up a contest of my own, soon…probably after these other contests conclude, so keep watching this space!