1. Today’s giant feathered phallic symbol brought to you by Alan Moore and Bruce Timm:

“How stimulating,” indeed.
2. Pal Ian has begun his San Diego Con reports. Apparently he was having trouble with his backpack.
3. Pal Dorian saw Catwoman…and lived! And he kinda liked it. Go read his review.
4. Customer: “Hi…I’m looking for a comic called Batman: Goth. Do you have it?
Us: “Um…I don’t think there’ve been any Batman comics by that name.”
Customer: “Are you sure? I remember seeing the cover…it definitely said ‘Batman Goth’ on the front.”
Us: “Yes, we’re sure, there’s no such…wait a second:”

Customer: “Yeah, that’s it!”
Yes, the customer did mean Batman: Gotham Knights #1.
Actually, a comic called Batman: Goth would probably sell like gangbusters. How ’bout a Goth Batman/Lenore crossover?
Okay, I’ll stop now.
5. The Variety magazine Bags and Boards weblog posted a Letterman-style Top Ten list read by Sarah Michelle Gellar regarding her reasons why she hadn’t attended the ‘Con before. Very obviously someone slapped together a list of comic book-related jokes and forced the gal to read them off, and I’m certain she didn’t get many of the jokes she was reading. Maybe the “Phantom Zone” reference, but the David/McFarlane debate? This isn’t meant as a slam at her…I just felt sort of embarrassed for her.
6. My last post (on movies and such) was long and rambling and I apologize. If you require any clarification, just leave me a comment or send an e-mail.
7. Speaking of movies…today I had a vision of the forthcoming Aliens Vs. Predator movie, and I saw a carful of Predators chasing a carful of Aliens through the streets of San Francisco, with some of the Predators and Aliens leaning out of their respective car windows and shaking fists at each other. I have now ruined the movie for myself, since this scene will certainly not be in the film and I will be terribly disappointed at its omission.