1. I don’t really have much to say about the new DC Comics solicitations except, as pal Dorian has noted, that DC Rarities Archives is $75! I may probably still spring for it (actually, it’ll be released pretty close to Christmas, he hinted gently) since it’s reprinting The Big All-American Comic Book which I’ve wanted for years.
Oh, and Kurt Busiek on JLA sounds like fun, too.
2. Spotted via Milo George’s site (and also reported here) is Jeff Mason’s call for help regarding his Alternative Comics publishing concern. His company is in a financial bind for various reasons (including being stiffed on some money from an out-of-business distributor) and he asks that you purchase Alternative Comics items from your local retailer. And, as a seller of funnybooks myself, I’ll be doing some reordering of any Alternative Comics we happen to be missing.
3. Stolen from Boingboing – The Famous Cartoonist Button Series. Individual buttons cost $2 to $8, and you can score the whole set for $195. As a button-horder myself, I’m sorely tempted…but I think I’ll just have to be satisfied with lookin’ at the pictures. Though I think I might pick up the Sergio Aragones pin. Oh, and maybe the Kim Deitch pin. And the Bill Griffith pin, and…oh, dammit.
4. Also, special thanks to all of you for reading my site…yesterday was the highest number of visits to this site ever in a single day (due in part to pal Andy linking me from his mighty weblog). And whoever it was that found my site by Googling for “Spidey slash fiction” — sorry I couldn’t help you. Anyway, as long as I have this excess of visitors, after you’re all done looking at my site, go send some of your internet traffic love to my close, personal friends Dorian, Ian, Corey, Tom, and Reid.