Partway down this discussion of Carmine Infantino suing DC for ownership of the Flash (among others), comes Dirk Deppey’s mention of permanently retiring the formerly only-resting Journalista. Sad news, indeed. This weblog here owes a debt to Deppey and Journalista, as he was good enough to link to my silliness on several occasions, sending lots of traffic my way. Plus, on the last update, the one that’s been up since February, he had a final link to my site, calling me “definitely one of the better new comics bloggers to emerge so far this year” — and I still get traffic from that plug, according to my referral logs. So thanks, Dirk Deppey, and good luck with The Comics Journal.
I also owe pal Ian for mentioning my page several times on the Journal message boards early in my site’s life…possibly bringing it to Deppey’s attention in the first place.
Deppey mentioned that other webloggers have “picked up the slack” since Journalista went into hibernation, specifically linking to the excellent Thought Balloons. If any site is a successor to Journalista’s link-logging, it’s Thought Balloons. However, Near Mint Heroes is pretty mighty with the link-logging as well.
In other news:
Kate Worley, co-creator of Omaha the Cat Dancer, has lost her long battle with cancer. My condolences to her loved ones.
Pal Andy links to a nice overview of Reagan’s Raiders #1. Hey, if this guy ever changes his mind, I know where to find issues #2 and #3….
Scott McCloud linked to the Caution-Man photo comic…I like the sequence of images showing the tragedy of the dropped chili-dog.
You might have seen this already, but I’ve been obsessed with this thing and want to share it with the four of you who didn’t know about it: Random Garfield Comic Strip Generator. Check it out now before Paws, Inc. finds out.