DC Follies.
I know I’m Johnny DC-come-lately in linking to the new DC solicitaion information, but I had to comment on this:
“JSA: STRANGE ADVENTURES #1 …Johnny Thunder decides to become a big-time pulp writer by chronicling the adventures of the JSA. Taken under the writing wing of legendary, real-life science-fiction Grand Master Jack Williamson, Johnny tries his best….” Well, that’s pretty neat! What I wouldn’t give to see Williamson on a cover fighting, oh, I don’t know, the Fiddler or something.

And I’m with Fanboy Rampage…I’m excited about Weird Secret Origins 80-page Giant, too…it’s the Book of the Month, as far as I’m concerned. This part of the solicitation worries me, however: “The final 80-page Giant has been rescued, bringing a close to a beloved era.” Really? No more “lost” 80-pagers? That would be a shame.